Arma Reforger 1.0 Release

Producing music for a virtually non-existent trailer is always a daunting task. You need to have a plan, which is adjusted in the editing over time, but the overall script shouldn’t be much different.
The first draft version of the music was too symphonic (in a classical-movie way), so it took me a little longer to set some definite idea of how to make the music as good as possible. However, some important musical elements always reveal themselves and manifest themselves without much thought. And then it’s a joy when it happens on its own. 🙂
So switching from 6/8 time (feeling on 2) to 3/4 (feeling on 3) is a given surprise in this case, both rhythmically and emotionally.
I had beautiful collaboration on the live recording of the music for the trailer of the first officially released version of Arma Reforger (it was still in the early access phase) with my friend and colleague Kuba Kadečka, who recorded the drums in Faust studio, the electric guitar was recorded in his home by my long-time friend and great musician Tomas Pecka.
Arma Reforger: Health System

The music for the Health System Trailer was supposed to be completely different than my other symphonic trailers. I spent a lot of time thinking about how to make it right to use the chamber strings (in this case the amazing Epoque Quartet), as same as for the other trailer music for Enviroment Update. That was also being recorded with this setup and have been composed by Jan Dušek and orchestrated and arranged by my friend and colleague Jan Vasina.
So for this case I tried to record all the stuff and effects using my own cello and since I use Zoom H2n for recording, there is a possibility to record directly into 4 channel. There is then a much better mixing and spatiality adjustment option for both 5.1, which we didn’t use, but in my case I used this setup in stereo as a binaural effect.
Ylands Update 2.0

The music for Ylands was composed by Varhan Orchestrovič Bauer and always the first thing to say that it is a beautiful work. I was asked to do the music for the Update 2.0 trailer. After much discussion, we finally settled on the Indiana Jones score style featured Varhan theme.
The Jaws theme is also featured in the trailer, so John Williams fans will be pleased! 🙂